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Squamous & Basal Cell Carcinoma

Known as SCCs and BCCs, they make up most skin cancer cases and warrant urgent treatment.

Two surgeons in theatre
Microscope in use for surgery
Inspecting facial lesion with dermatoscope

Origin Of These Cancers

Squamous cells form the upper epidermis, the outer layer of your skin, which is constantly shed and replaced. Basal cells are in the lower part of the epidermis and divide to create new squamous cells.

As with most types of cells in your body, they can grow in an uncontrolled way and form cancers on, or within your skin.

Although genetics can play a moderate part, non melanoma skin cancers do not generally run in families. HPV infection, radiation, or chemical exposure have an impact but are not the primary issue

By far the most common cause is exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. This may be long term, or short periods of intense sun exposure and burning, any of which can damage the DNA in skin cells.

Although an increasing problem in the UK and elsewhere, the good news is that diagnosis, treatment and cure are well proven. All the more so when the cancers are caught early, regardless of type.

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