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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group

Mohs Micrographic Surgery

A remarkable approach to curing skin cancer, whilst preserving natural tissue and appearance.

maxillofacial surgeons in theatre
maxillofacial surgeons in theatre

Introduction To Mohs

Mohs is a surgical technique for precision treatment of skin cancers. Thin layers of tissue are removed and analysed, until only cancer free tissue remains. This brings medical success and minimal damage.

The aesthetic benefits make Mohs surgery well suited to skin cancers of the face, or neck. High cure rates are a further benefit, from an approach refined by specialists over time.

A core difference between Mohs and normal excision is that Mohs adds lab analysis to each layer of tissue removed. Carried out during surgery, rather than the sample being a biopsy to be sent elsewhere.

After a temporary dressing is applied, a patient simply waits in a comfortable, nearby room, to learn whether they need to return.

There is a less used version known as “slow Mohs” which can have longer separation between stages but even then, the procedure is relatively immediate and cohesive.

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