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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group

Treating Oral & Facial Skin Cancer

By balancing medical and aesthetic needs, to preserve health, function and confidence.

maxillofacial surgeons operating in theatre
woman sunbathing
patient chatting with nurse in waiting area

Meeting Dual Needs

Our face is a significant yet vulnerable part of our body, which is often exposed to the sun’s rays and the possibility of skin cancer.

The goal in facial & oral skin cancer management should be complete removal of tumorous tissue but there is a further need. Cosmetic and functional outcomes are more vital in this area than any other.

Good solutions minimise psychological effects and maintain normal life. Factors which should be integral to diagnosis, planning and treatment, for a quite variable condition.

Melanoma, a rarer but more dangerous form of skin cancer can appear on the face, scalp, ears, or neck. This has a capacity to spread to other areas and may be fatal if untreated.

Non melanoma skin cancers are the most often seen cancer in the UK and regularly appear on the face. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is most common, with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) next in line.

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020 7935 8627

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