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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group

Skin Cancer Treatment

Diagnosis and treatment for melanoma, squamous, or basal cell carcinoma and pre-cancerous conditions.

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maxillofacial surgeons operating in theatre
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Understanding Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is caused by abnormal cells which multiply locally, or at times spread to other parts of the body. Whilst there are further rare causes, the prime trigger for skin cancer is exposure to the sun.

Areas with high exposure are more likely to develop issues. Lesions on your skin may appear red, lumpy, scaly, bleed, or ulcerate. A mole could develop more than one colour, a fuzzy border, or continue to grow.

Some cases are however harder to define, not least melanoma, which can have genetic triggers and appear in unexpected places.

As with any cancer, early, accurate diagnosis helps, reducing treatment levels, tissue removal, or scarring and improving outcomes. If caught early, skin cancer cure rates are close to 100%.

More advanced cases can be treated effectively and whatever the stage, we are here to help. Our core message is still that if you suspect you have a skin cancer, please see a specialist at the first opportunity.

Speak to our team today

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020 7935 8627

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