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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group

Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) Treatment

Offering solutions to a condition which can have a significant effect on people’s lives.

Maxillofacial consultant Professor Kaveh Shakib with patient
Location of trigeminal nerve
Young woman in facial pain

A Painful Intrusion

The trigeminal nerve consists of a complex root and branch structure, underlying much of our face. A system which is there to carry sensation messages to our brain but can at times malfunction.

Around 1 in 10,000 people in the UK suffer from trigeminal nerve disorder (TND) each year. A burning pain in the face, similar to an electric shock, which may be at extreme levels.

There is no exact trigger for TND. This can be spontaneous, or brought on by shaving, eating, drinking, applying make up, smiling, any facial activity, or the environment.

The condition is prevalent in later years but possible at any age. One side of the face being stricken is more common but both can be, along with the oral area, jaw, eyes, or forehead.

Bouts can vary, from brief spasms, to intermittent, or longer lasting and in almost all cases, they warrant specialist medical support.

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