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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group

Salivary Gland Treatment

Restoring a key protective function to our bodies and normality to our lives.

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Maintaining Health

Our salivary glands produce a key lubricant, to help with swallowing and digestion and to protect our teeth, or gums from infection.

There are three major glands, sublingual, submandibular and parotid, along with many minor glands, or ducts. A complex system, which produces unpleasant symptoms when not working correctly.

Swelling, or redness inside, or outside your mouth often arise, along with a dry, or painful mouth. You could experience a bad taste, unwanted pus, or discomfort when eating.

Wider fever is possible and whilst rare, so is salivary gland cancer. More benign growths, infections, cysts, or salivary gland stones are quite common and require treatment.

Whilst we think of saliva as a simple, natural substance, the mechanisms behind this are quite complex. Understanding the causes of disfunction is important in each case.

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020 7935 8627

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