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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group

Treatment, Removal & Biopsy Of Oral Lesions

Creating effective medical solutions, for cancerous and non cancerous growths.

mouth and jaw
Dental surgeon treating patient

Investigation Matters

Please have any oral lesions checked by a specialist as soon as you can, early intervention is crucial if the diagnosis is oral cancer.

Early discovery is a major factor in successful treatment and in reducing treatment, although not all lesions inside your mouth are cancerous. The term oral lesions covers a variety of conditions.

They can arise from diseases such as lichen planus, or lupus, other bacterial, or fungal infections. Sensitivity to irritants, nutritional deficiency, trauma, or stress are established causes.

Lesions can also occur as symptoms of anemia, or intestinal conditions such as Crohn’s disease, or IBS. Radiotherapy, or chemotherapy given to treat cancers can at times bring on oral lesions.

The key is to seek prompt, knowledge based care. Maxillofacial consultants focus on the hard and soft tissues of the face, mouth, or jaw and can offer an accurate assessment.

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