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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group

Treating Jaw Cysts & Tumours

Through detailed diagnosis and specialist care, to see our patients health restored.

maxillofacial surgeons operating in theatre
maxillofacial surgeon
surgical assistant

From Benign To Invasive

Our mouth and jaw are complex structures, built from multiple tissue types. Combined with the functions they perform, this makes them more liable to cysts and tumours than most parts of our body.

Whilst oral hygiene, alcohol, or tobacco can play a part, genetic factors also come into play. Gorlin Goltz syndrome is an example, where people lack the gene which suppresses tumours.

Few of us will go through life without some incidence of a growth in our oral region. The list of possible types is long, from small, benign cysts, to significant jaw tumours.

Cancerous tumours needs urgent care, such as squamous cell carcinoma. Non cancerous tumours can grow aggressively and have the potential to become cancerous.

The key is to have any growth examined by a maxillofacial specialist, so they are understood, can be treated and your health preserved.

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020 7935 8627

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