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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group

Treating Facial Pain

To relieve, or eliminate a condition which can have a significant impact on life.

maxillofacial clinic reception desk
man holding head in pain
consultant carrying out laser treatment

Personal Solutions

The core need with facial pain is to recognise how individual this can be. Patients should have access to a complete range of medical skills, for diagnosis and treatment.

A dentist, or GP may refer you to a dental specialist, ENT, neurology, or pain clinic. Whilst they may offer solutions, facial pain treatment deals with a highly complex part of your body and a broader view can help.

At our London clinic, you see a maxillofacial consultant, experienced across those disciplines. Maxillofacial specialists are qualified in medicine and dentistry, alongside detailed knowledge of facial conditions.

They are there to bring understanding and find a solution for you, whether this requires in depth treatment, or dedicated experise.

Where appropriate, we work with facial therapy professionals, to relieve mild facial pain. Surgery, or other intervention could be required but our approach is to try to minimise the need for this.

Speak to our team today

Get in touch to book an appointment, for further information, or to ask any question you wish. All contact is handled securely and confidentially.

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020 7935 8627

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