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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group

Treating Burning Mouth Syndrome

A barrier to life, which deserves insightful diagnosis and individual treatment.

mouth and jaw
maxillofacial consultant examining patient
dental nurse

Principal Symptoms

Burning mouth syndrome is a persistent, often painful sensation, or soreness. The centre, or back of your mouth can be affected, along with your tongue, gums, the inside of your cheeks, or throat.

Your mouth can feel dry, or might hold a bitter, or metallic taste. Symptoms could go beyond the mouth if they last for a sustained period, including sleeplessness, irritability, or depression.

The consistency of symptoms varies from case to case, Discomfort can be minor when you awake but become worse as the day progresses, or begin immediately and last all day.

Burning mouth syndrome can come and go to a degree, arise at any age and in men, or women. Women are still more likely to be affected, often during or after the menopause.

As with the variation in symptoms and the duration of discomfort, there is no absolute, single cause for burning mouth syndrome.

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