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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group

Treating Skin Lesions

Professional diagnosis and removal of unwanted lesions, to meet medical, or aesthetic needs.

laser treatment
woman with skin lesion

A Range Of Needs

Skin lesions is a broad term applied to growths on your skin, including cysts, warts, moles, skin tags, or scaly areas.

They can be a sign of significant underlying health issues, such as skin cancer, or viral infections. Prompt, professional diagnosis of unexplained lesions is important.

The majority are however harmless in a medical sense. They can still be cosmetically, or practically inconvenient, through being a nuisance, or causing personal distress.

More so when a lesion, or lesions are on, or near your face. A visible and vulnerable part of the body, which maxillofacial consultants specialise in treating.

Skin lesions can in most cases be quickly and successfully removed. A process which begins with sound decision making, based on experience and scientific testing.

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020 7935 8627

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