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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group

The Future of Facial Surgery

Recent change has been rapid but worth considering how much more we can achieve.

Surgeons conducting facial operation
Surgeon operating remote surgical unit
Surgeon using remote internal imaging

A Realistic Base

Good medical care comes from well trained staff and an evidence based approach. This applies to facial surgery as much as any discipline but adopting innovative technology is equally important.

The image shows a maxillofacial surgeon using robotics to aid their approach. We are seeing incredible imaging techniques, communication systems and diagnostic facilities we could not have imagined.

Our world has changed more in the last 30 years than the previous 300. Computerisation and data analysis are part of this, alongside specific medical breakthroughs in our field.

Advanced equipment and techniques to improve microsurgery have been welcomed, innovative ways to provide reconstructive materials, or understand cellular change.

We should look to the future of facial surgery, where developing aspects will bring improved treatment.

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