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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group

Facial Trauma Pathway

How different professions provide support and the stages involved in your care.

maxillofacial consultant Professor Kaveh Shakib with patient
maxillofacial surgeons in theatre
xray of teeth

A Need For Action

Whether from sporting injuries, traffic accidents, cycling spills, or other trauma, damage to the facial area can be significant.

Emergency response and casualty staff are trained to spot key symptoms and act in a way which will preserve life. They will also consider core areas of functionality.

When treating facial trauma, ensuring a clear airway is an early step, along with assessing any damage to the upper spine. Both can require urgent action before further treatment.

With a stable situation confirmed, checks can take place on facial bone cohesion and asymmetry, vision, or wider senses. A cranial nerve examination can shed further light on essential functions.

Technology assists, from x-rays, to high resolution CT scans, enhancing the view of cranial and dental structures. This can also help to resolve concerns about blood circulation, or brain injury.

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