Wisdom Tooth Diseases
A range of conditions can increase the rationale for extraction, from wisdom teeth being awkward to clean, to further common issues:
- Pericoronitis is an infection of the gums around a wisdom tooth and a leading reason for extraction. You tend to encounter greater pain and swelling than normal growth would produce.
- Wisdom teeth themselves, or others close by can be subject to general gum disease, called periodontitis. There may be no immediate symptoms but this is a pervasive condition.
- Tooth decay in wisdom teeth, or their neighbours is quite prevalent. Looking to the future, restorative work to preserve, or rebuild a wisdom tooth might not be the best answer.
- Conditions such as oral cysts, or spreading infections can evolve from wisdom teeth. Removing the tooth and therefore the source could be a sensible step.
There are clearly cases where extraction is the best option, antibiotics, or improved oral hygiene would simply be palliative. We should still consider any points which may be against extraction.
Risks On Extraction
Our oral region is a key part of the sensory system, with the mouth and jaw holding a network of nerves. Dental treatment has the potential to cause damage, which can bring pain, or affect sensations you feel in your face.
As with any surgery, post operative infection can occur. Dry socket is a possibility, where a blood clot fails to develop correctly following extraction.
We should however note that issues are unusual. Research points to a rate below 5% for any type of downside and below 2% for nerve damage. In specialist hands with sound preparation, rates will be lower still.
If an issue does occur, this can normally be solved, although cases requiring intervention, such as surgical repair of nerve damage are quite rare.
The reality is that where required, wisdom tooth extraction is far more likely to prevent than cause oral disease. A procedure which can be relatively pain free and cause little inconvenience throughout the years to come.