A Two Way Street
Physicians referring their patients to dental specialists, or the other way around makes sense and should happen on a wider basis.
Research has shown the advantages shared caseloads are able to create for patients. Almost all medical conditions benefit from prompt intervention and oral symptoms can bring this about for a range of unwanted disease.
The relationship between periodontitis and kidney disease is widely recognised. Mortality is higher if patients have periodontitis in addition to kidney disease, the same applies to type-2 diabetes, or heart conditions.
There are rarer diseases which can cause oral symptoms. Consultants may recognise these, bringing earlier specialist support, whilst treatment begins on the oral conditions.
More Than Treatment
Treating periodontal disease is a crucial step towards better general health. Periodontitis is a condition which by nature grows worse, brings oral decay and can trigger the illnesses mentioned, or other cardio-renal complications.
By halting periodontitis, a consultant is stopping more than the disease itself and at the same time, remaining aware. Preventing, or spotting signs of unconsidered illness may be a greater gift.
Our patients are in an unusual position, their consultant is likely to be a highly qualified doctor and dentist. Where this is not the case, the two professions should choose to work together.
All Round Benefit
The financial impact can matter in healthcare. Joined up treatment saves money, for a health service, those choosing to pay, or their insurers.
Spotting early signs avoids a need to undergo invasive medical treatment, reduces stress, or disruption and above all, prevents loss of life.
Changes needed are not vast and can intially be well targeted, such as having patients with pre-diabetes checked by a periodontist. Or where a dental specialist sees signs, referring a patient to a cardiologist.
Both are starting to happen a little more, there are national pilot programs but with the potential benefits, this dual care should be normality.
When you visit us for periodontal treatment, the bacteria invading your gingival tissue are a prime target but there will be others. Nature has given us signposts, we are pleased to have specialist staff to follow them and support our patients.