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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group

Dentistry & Medicine Working Together

For oral health benefit and to help ensure early treatment for other medical conditions.

Dental surgery room with chair and equipment
How oral bacteria move through your body

Using Key Skills

Oral health is often seen as a separate field of medicine, yet as the image suggests, disease in the oral region can cause wider illness.

Periodontitis is a direct source of bacteria, with an easy path to the rest of our body. The bloodstream acting as a conduit to spread inflammation and bring a range of risks, including blood clots.

Our mouth also offers a window to our overall health. Signs in the mouth can be visible before normal symptoms of cardiac issues, HIV, infertility, skin, blood, or bone disorders.

Alongside seeing periodontal and other oral changes, grasping their underlying medical meaning and allowing them to act as a roadmap to disease is vital.

We are fortunate that in a maxillofacial clinic, consultants are normally qualified in medicine and dentistry. An ability to act on implications is built into their knowledge.

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020 7935 8627

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