Diagnosis & Treatment
Detailed understanding of conditions affecting all areas of your periodontium is essential, for effective dental treatment and oral health.
Having treatment at a maxillofacial centre allows you to be seen by a consultant with in depth knowledge of oral diseases. Thorough assessment will come from experience and technology, to provide an accurate view on your periodontal needs.
Where an issue is found, your consultant may suggest non surgical treatment. Scaling, or root planing can help to smooth the tooth root and remove plaque, or calculus, eliminating bacterial toxins from the oral region.
Periodontal surgery could be helpful, such as gum grafts to deal with an uneven gum line, or overly exposed roots. Bone regeneration, or grafting techniques can reverse aspects of damage caused by periodontal disease.
Local anaesthetic or sedation may be used during treatment, to prevent discomfort. Increased sensitivity is not unknown but is normally a temporary feeling.
Care At Our London Clinic
The periodontium is a complex region of living tissue, from bone structure to tiny fibres. Ensuring this is healthy maintains natural function.
Life’s demands require stability, with good periodontal health helping your mouth to comfortably absorb the impact of biting, or chewing. As importantly, dangers to your overall health and wellbeing are mitigated.
Patients visiting for a range of other treatment often require a little periodontal care. Whatever the immediate cause, our maxillofacial consultant will take an overall view of your oral health, along with broader implications.
A combination of medical expertise and effective dental treatment lays at the heart of our London clinic, to cure present issues and look to the future.
Neither will we forget that treatment should leave you feeling good and feeling safe throughout. By all means talk to our friendly staff about your needs.