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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group

Why Interaction Matters

The relationship between perception of care and successful care is never stronger than in childhood.

Doctor with child patient
children sitting together
Surgical assistant

A Natural Bond

Human interaction between medical staff and children plays a critical role in medicine. The staff need to be people who genuinely care.

This may seem an obvious, banal thing to say but is important. From their consultant, to nursing staff, an instinctive wish to care for children should be in place.

If medical staff simply turn up to their job, which happens to be in paediatrics, an opportunity to improve the outcome for our patient has been missed.

When a child encounters a fresh environment and new people, there is a dynamic interchange of emotions. Alongside other cues, this determines belief, self belief, their ongoing ability to cope and recover.

A patient’s experiential feelings change medical outcomes at any age and this is particularly the case throughout childhood. Children need to know they can rely on adults, in varying ways as they grow.

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