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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group

The Unique Needs of Children

With the best route to effective treatment being to understand the difference each year can bring.

children standing together
children playing football
Young dental patient brushing

Building The Future

As they grow and develop, children are quite different from adults in physiology and anatomy. Their emotional perception varies related to age, along with their body’s abilities.

Paediatric medical differences should be understood. The impact of trauma, or disease on the developing facial skeleton is not the same as an adult, neither may the causes of conditions be.

To protect their future, oral & maxillofacial surgeons should appreciate the impact on younger people of a range of issues. From incorrect dentition, to skeletal damage.

Treating each child as an individual is important for maxillofacial aspects and leads the way. There should still be wider awareness that you are treating a child.

Thinking that you are simply diagnosing, or treating a small patient will not lead to defining the best way forward.

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020 7935 8627

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