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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group

Supporting Childhood Development

Childhood is a wonderful phase in life but the decades still to come require equal thought.

children playing with blocks
Child during scanning procedure

A Long Term Outcome

Maintaining educational, physical and peer group activity should be a core consideration when treating children. They need to experience stimulation to suit their age, for physical and psychological health.

Developmental phases are not constant, infancy to starting school, or adolescence to adulthood are quite different in nature.

Paediatric maxillofacial consultants need to understand the difference and the impact of treatment over time. Where the care they are offering is for a current point in time, they require a vision of the future.

For cases which need intervention at varying stages, long term planning is important. Current childhood health helps to ensure good development but outcome for life should be the lead factor.

This is particularly the case for maxillofacial care, which often treats our facial region, or other visible areas. They can play a key role in personal development.

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