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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group

Maxillofacial Issues In Childhood

Which can mirror conditions in adulthood to a degree but with notable differences.

child reading book
teenager with braces
Chile eating lunch

Facial, Oral & Dental

We take the acts of eating, or breathing for granted, when our health needs to support them. This is the case at any age and maxillofacial conditions which affect core function can occur in childhood.

Oral cysts and tumours are an example, often on the tongue, or jaw. Pre adult jaw abnormalities are increasing, partly from an evolutionary trait which is reducing the size of our mouth.

This can lead to bite issues, or lasting damage to children’s jaw joints, temporomandibular joint disorder is not just an adult condition.

Dentition can be altered by a range of factors, such as missing, malformed, or unwanted teeth. Primary teeth may stay longer than required, others be delayed, an irregular tooth profile is not unusual.

Infections can occur, in the jaw, or surrounding tissues, growths come on the head, or neck. A number of maxillofacial conditions can be part of childhood, the key is to understand a child’s unique needs.

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